
Mohamed Suwan

Mohamed Suwan


Hi, my name is Mohamed, I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering.
Fascinated by the challenge of uncovering hidden insights, I pursued a data analysis bootcamp and honed my skills in Python, SQL and Power BI.
As a data analyst, My goal is to leverage these skills to improve results, make the right decisions and save costs. 

Graduated AWS re/start program in November 2022, and obtained AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification.

I'm currently working as a data officer at Collateral Repair Project, My responsibilities include:

  • Analyzing data (collection, cleaning, analysis, visualization)
  • Managing and building data pipelines from various sources including databases, APIs, webhooks and Google Sheets
  • Automation: reports, ETL and web scraping
  • Building reports, dashboards and presentations
  • Reconcile monthly transactions to identify and resolve errors ensuring accurate financial reporting
  • Managing user accounts and access permissions across Google Workspace, including Gmail, Drive, and other essential tools. I ensure secure collaboration by resolving any access issues on shared drives.
  • Managing and configuring user permissions in our attendance app for accurate data tracking. Additionally, I create and manage VPN profiles for authorized remote access.


Historical Weather Data Analysis

As an avid gardener I had to know the best time of year for agricultural activites, for example when grafting citrus trees, the best temperature at which citrus wounds heal is between (21°C and 29°C) according to

knowing what the temperature and weather is like where I live gives me an idea in what I can or can't plant, graft, grow. I cant grow mangoes where i live because mangoes are freeze sensitive and require humid and warm weather all year round

The following are the steps I took to make this project from collecting the data to visualizing

  • Web Scraping: scraping the historical hourly data from a website using Selenium
  • Data cleansing: cleaning, modifying using regular expression, and converting the data into a CSV file for better handling
  • Data Visualization: more cleaning and analysis of the data to get the useful data for visualization and reporting using pandas and Matplotlib
  • Power BI Dashboard: telling the story through visuals

Weather Analysis Jupyter Notebook

Hover or Click to Enlarge and Scroll Through the Notebook


Power BI Desktop View

Leaked Facebook Data Analysis

On April 2021 the data of more than half a billion Facebook user from 106 countries have been leaked, around three million belong to Jordanians, the data was puublished on a hacking forum and Facebook said the data was old, from a previously reported leak in 2019. It has denied any wrongdoing, saying that the data was scraped from publicly available information on the site!

Although the sample is huge it doesn't reflect the real world in some aspects, males are two times the females and there's a pattern for birthdays growing almost exponentially with birthdays that ocuured in 1995 being at the top, maybe there was a pattern in how the data was leaked.
Mohamed is the most common name, which is highly likely considering Mohamed is one of the most common names worldwide, most used carrier is Zain at 46.6%, what i find hard to believe is that Yahoo is the top email domain name.

This repo was made to analyze the data, the data was in a good clean shape mostly, just required some touches and modification.

the exploratory analysis will not show sensitive data like the emails or phone numbers, just a simple analysis like phone carrier,email domain,religion and gender.

Facebook data analysis Notebook

Facebook BI

Power Bi Dashboard

r/AskMiddleEast 2022 Census

This is the first Census for the r/AskMiddleEast subreddit

Analysis is performed on 132 entries this is the end number after cleaning down from 20500, spam and vandalism occured in the data collection process.

Used Google Forms to collect the data, pandas for cleaning the data and Power BI for the data visualization.

In conclusion this subreddit is mainly introvert single brown-eyed young men who are not sutisfied with their countries.


First Page

Second Page


this repository contains solutions to problems “katas” from Codewars website, the solutions are written in Python. relied on libraries and researching to come up with solutions.

Used mathematical theorems, generators, list comprehension, dictionaries, and one- liners “Pythonic way”

import re
def is_pangram(s):
    return len(set(re.findall("[a-z]",s.lower())))==26

the code above checks if the given sentence is pangram or not -meaning does the sentence contain all the letters in a language- ; first the letters are converted to all lower case, then only the letters are taken from this sentence into a list, we can get unique values by using set, finally if the unique values count is 26 then it is a pangram.

def is_triangle(a, b, c):
    if not(any(tl)>1):
        if tl[0]+tl[1]>tl[2]:
            return True
            return False
        return False

This code is a solution for the triangle inequality theorem which describes the relationship between the three sides of a triangle. According to this theorem, for any triangle, the sum of lengths of two sides is always greater than the third side

Web Scraping and Automation

scraping different content,data and elements from the web quickly and efficiently, cleaning and organizing the data in different ways and formats.

Autoamtion, controlling the computer, mouse, keyboard, making a macro-like procedures with minimal human intervention.

The gif below is an axample of web scraping it is the execution of this code, where the program collects all the available data on medicine from Jordan Food and Drug Administration JFDA, The data includes audience price, hospital price, trade name, concentration, tax, and dealer .


GIF Showing Web Scraping In Action

and the notebook below shows API calling, collecting the data, storing the data in a data frame and lastly visualizing the data.

API calling Notebook




Amman, Jordan - Remote Work - Willing to Relocate

Based on your objectives, we will make a plan to reach the right insight.

I am available for:
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© 2024 Mohamed Suwan